1. Management
  2. 27 Jan 2021
  3. 11 min read

The corporate culture at Techvice

The corporate culture at Techvice

New companies appear every day, and employees come to work for them. They contact their bosses, other employees, work together on tasks, drink coffee together at lunchtime, take a day off at Christmas and congratulate each other on their birthdays. 

But no company can exist without a corporate culture. It is an effective way to manage your staff and the company as a whole. A strong culture forms the image of the company and is part of building the brand itself. 

Some cultures are formed spontaneously, based on the behavior and communication patterns of employees. And there are cultures formed deliberately, which are easy to manage and adjust. 

Culture allows an employee to grow personally and professionally, to prove himself, influences the formation of views on the world. It forms the team’s ability to solve problems without conflicts, to act correctly in difficult situations, and to convey the company’s desired image to customers.

We asked our employees if the company needed a corporate culture, how they felt about their colleagues, whether it is important for them to be part of the team, and what they thought about their company where they work. 

Definition of corporate culture

Corporate culture is a set of behaviors acquired by an organization in the process of adapting to the external environment and internal integration, which is shared by most members of the organization. Typically, the existing corporate culture in organizations is a complex set of assumptions, unprovenly accepted by all members of the team and setting a common framework of behavior.

If there is no culture, there is no company, no team, no teamwork. Every action has to be coordinated and it takes a long time to think about what to do. If we compare the team with a person, his behavior and psyche, the corporate culture serves as habits and subconsciousness of the individual. A person does not think about how to move his feet or how to catch a thrown ball – everything is done as if automatically. 

What is important for us is that any action that stems directly from the company culture happens quickly, efficiently (without spending extra time on meetings and approvals) and practically does not cause negative consequences within the company. After all, the solution seems simple and understandable to all who share this culture.

Creating and managing successful corporate culture

When it seems that the whole team is satisfied with the state of affairs, don’t forget – you can do better. Look for ideas, get inspiration from big companies, and consult with employees on what they want to see from the company. Allow the staff to make a difference, to become part of the project. They will help you figure out what type is best for the organization. Employees need to feel involved in the creation and development of the culture. Getting feedback on ideas and having a voice is what’s valuable.

An important part of the corporate culture is the communication system. This concerns professional communication, the division of responsibilities, and the order in which tasks are performed. Employees should be clear on how to behave in different working moments, who to address with questions, how quickly they will receive an answer. Competent regulations help to increase productivity due to the absence of delays in typical situations.

People in creative and intellectual professions appreciate the opportunity to develop in the workplace. In-house training, seminars, and educational courses are another source of motivation. And it is not always necessary to invite outside specialists. Experienced employees can conduct classes for newcomers. 

Corporate holidays and events also play a big role in developing corporate culture and bringing employees together. You can hold sports events, board game tournaments, go to the movies, or go to a soccer game. Everything is determined by the preferences of the team.

There should be an opportunity to voice dissatisfaction. Negative points left unaddressed and unresponsive lead to team problems and decreased productivity. You can conduct surveys or set up an anonymous complaint mailbox so that employees can freely express their dissatisfaction. Resolving an emerging problem is easier at the initial stage, which preserves loyalty and increases trust in management.

To develop corporate culture it is necessary

  • appoint a person responsible for the analysis of corporate culture, development, and implementation of programs for its development;
  • analyze the existing corporate culture;
  • choose and describe new corporate values of the organization;
  • determine the goals of the new corporate culture;
  • change the personnel policy of the organization;
  • document the developed rules and norms of behavior, corporate values;
  • develop and implement an action plan to introduce new values and norms;
  • evaluate the success of the implementation of measures and develop a plan for further development of corporate culture.

Of course, all this sounds very formal. But you should approach the creation of CC as a project: brand building or product development. The internal culture of an organization is a powerful marketing tool. 

corporate culture

Techvice employee survey

What is corporate culture according to employees?

The first question for employees was about their understanding of the corporate culture. 

In general, the corporate culture in the understanding of employees is what sets one company apart from another, makes it unique and different from other companies. It is a way of management, the formation of certain values, traditions, and rules observed in the team, but at the same time not limiting the freedom and individuality of the employee. The atmosphere within the company forms a comfortable environment and relationships between employees, affects their work and mood. A corporate culture is an event such as corporate activities or team building to lift the employees’ spirits. By gaining experience in the company, they form their attitude to the company and their work, including its results.

All these qualities form the image of the company, unite the team, help to overcome difficulties together, become more experienced and organized. 

If not sticking to definitions, I would call it some level of development of the company. That is, if initially you just have to work to find clients and they are not really interested in what is going on outside, then if you work with the people around you, I think there is nothing without corporate culture. It’s a form of mutual respect between company-employee intermediaries.

Techvice employee

Relationships with colleagues

We spend most of our lives in the office. Without a doubt, it can be said that work is about personal things. 

If you feel uncomfortable talking to a colleague and cannot openly discuss a work issue, it’s personal. When you are only required but not given anything to grow and develop your skills, it’s also personal. That is why it is the corporate culture that helps to connect the personal with the professional and maintain a balance between them.

At Techvice, everyone respects, supports, and treats each other positively. It’s essential for everyone to see themselves as part of a team, to participate in different activities, and to connect with colleagues. Employees appreciate being listened to and heard. And when opinion is taken into account in resolving issues. There is an exchange of experience and knowledge, which promotes self-development, learning, and personal effectiveness.

Everyone in the company is part of the family and has unique qualities that the company is proud of.

Working remotely: what is it like?

Due to the COVID-19 situation, Techvice employees have moved to remote work. 

Opinions about working remotely were divided. Some responded that he was comfortable working at home, and some can not wait to work in the office. Some have found advantages in both workings from the office and remotely. For example, there is no need to spend time on the road to work. With proper time planning, even without clear boundaries of the working day, you can work with the same productivity as in the office. And sometimes productivity can only increase. 

On the other hand, employees note the lack of personal communication with colleagues, and that some things are easier to show than to tell. It is much more pleasant to spend time with good colleagues than within four walls.

The company’s impact on employee growth

By learning new skills and methods, employees grow professionally, thereby making the business more creative and progressive. Also, those team members who implement new ideas and learn to work harder on themselves become happier.

At Techvice, employees get hands-on experience working on real projects. They also gain theoretical experience in different areas, which increases their skills and value. Every employee contributes to the growth and success of the company. Workers noted that they had managed to grow professionally during their time with the company. 

When management makes it clear that employee efforts are not in vain and are beneficial, company morale rises.

Importance of corporate culture according to employees opinion

Often a toxic atmosphere develops in companies that let the culture form on its own. It breeds gossip, passive-aggressive attitudes, truancy, loss of personnel, conflicts, and management bullying. 

Corporate culture is a definition of the level of involvement and mood of all employee groups, creating conditions for informal employee communication and an atmosphere of openness. Good working conditions, corporate parties, and team sports games are just a small part of the tools to help make employees happier. This is an important component in building a positive company reputation. After all, employees are a company reflection, and public opinion strongly influences the success of the company.

According to employees, culture should not bore them, but rather unite and motivate them to work for a better result. More and more often professionals choose those with whom they share similar values and goals. People come to a company with a developed corporate culture consciously, which means that you and your colleagues are more likely to be on the same page.

Formed and broadcast corporate culture, closely related to the management system of the company, is a serious tool to create a strong competitive advantage.

Important by 10 out of 10. It’s always the root of the company, no matter how it is, with good and high-quality communication and the level of interaction between colleagues, everything will go faster. And problematic moments will be solved more easily, without unnecessary barriers.

Techvice employee

What Techvice means to employees

Anyway, each worker develops an image of the company and associations with which he relates his place of work. 

Employees associate Techvice with many things: a friendly team, support, a focus on results, sincerity. The company, which brought together motivated people united by a common goal, not afraid of the new. Here everyone gets to experience, grows professionally, increasing their skills. Colleagues do not refuse to help, share knowledge, and support each other. It’s a place where management treats everyone with respect.

Of course we asked employees if they want to see changes in the company. For example, according to some team members, it is possible to introduce modifications or additions both in work and in the office itself. While others do not think it is necessary to change anything in the company.

Techvice is a big friendly family, a symbol of development and movement forward. 


Without culture, there will be no company, no team, and no teamwork. If we draw an analogy between a team and a person, his behavior and psyche, the corporate culture serves as habits and subconscious of an individual. 

Any action that comes directly from company culture is quick, efficient and does not cause negative consequences within the company. After all, the solution seems simple and understandable to all who share this culture.

The culture of a developing company is built on three things: trust, respect, and mutual assistance. If these three components are in place, everything will be okay, business processes will be constantly improving, and work will be transparent to all and have purpose and meaning, the team will grow and develop.

If the company maintains a positive atmosphere and psychological safety, then the company begins to “think” about things and problems on the next level.



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